
Ned A. Dochtermann (CV (January 2025), ORCID)


Engberg Presidential Professor (2025-ongoing) North Dakota State University

Professor (2024-ongoing) Department of Biological Sciences; North Dakota State University

Associate Professor (2018-2024) Department of Biological Sciences; North Dakota State University

Assistant Professor (2012-2018) Department of Biological Sciences; North Dakota State University

Postdoctoral Researcher (2009-2012) Department of Biology; University of Nevada, Reno.


Awards & recognition

2025 Jordan A. Engberg Presidential Professorship Award; North Dakota State University

2017 Excellence in Research Award; College of Science and Mathematics, North Dakota State University

2016 Outstanding New Investigator Award; Animal Behavior Society

2014 Frank A. Pitelka Award for Excellence in Research; International Society for Behavioral Ecology

2013 National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences; (US) National Academy of Sciences


Associate Editor (2016-ongoing) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Secretary (2019-2022) The Animal Behavior Society

Associate Editor (2016-2021) Journal of Mammalogy



Ph.D. (2009) Department of Biology; University of Nevada, Reno.

M.Sc. (2005) University of California, Davis.

B.Sc. (1999) University of California, Davis.


Current Lab Members

M.A. Sekhar

Sekhar joined the lab in January 2021. Sekhar joined us after several years teaching following his Masters from IISER Mohali. For his M.Sc., Sekhar focused on foraging behavior of wild zebrafish (Danio rerio, link) and for his dissertation is focusing on social behavior and indirect genetic effects in both fish and crickets.

Zach sweep

Zach joined the lab in June 2024. Zach is a RaMP Fellow and joins us from MSUM. Zach is currently doing lots of DNA extractions of crickets used in some of our prior work and will be asking about rates of genomic versus phenotypic divergence. Zach is also working on questions about intra-genotypic variation

Jonah Dahlstrom

Jonah joined the lab Spring semester of 2024. Jonah is currently helping with a large breeding project and starting to work through the literature. Hopefully we can update with a novel research project he’s undertaking soon!

Lab Alumni

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Katy Takumi

Katy joined the lab in July 2023. Katy is a RaMP Fellow and joined us after graduating from Northern Arizona University. Katy is testing models of genetic and phenotypic integration of morphology and behavior in crickets. She’s also leading genotyping efforts of populations of crickets used in prior research and will be testing questions about cognitive ecology and cue recognition.


Hieu Le

Hieu joined the lab during the Fall semester of 2022. While initially working on a large breeding project with Sekhar, most recently Hieu has been carrying out a novel research project revisiting classic expectations about how predation shapes behavioral correlations. This project combines extensive behavioral sampling and updated approaches to the estimation of selection gradients.


Dr. monica Anderson berdal

Monica Berdal was a Ph.D. student in Zoology and joined the lab Fall 2015. Monica joined us after finishing her Masters from NTNU. Monica's masters project examined behavioral syndrome structure in guppies (and a lot of collaborative work on other species). Monica looked at how phenotypic and genetic correlations interact with phenotypic plasticity to impact evolutionary responses of populations. Her dissertation combined modelling with lab and field experiments. Monica successfully defended her dissertation! Congratulations Dr. Anderson Berdal


Jeremy Dalos

Jeremy was an M.Sc. student in Biology and investigated trans-generational effects of exposure to predators as well as how among-individual variation in response to predators (and variation in other behaviors) differs across species. While much of his research has focused on the behavior of crickets, Jeremy also has extensive experience with aphids and their threat responses.


Dr. Raphaël Royauté

Raphaël Royauté was a post-doc, joining the lab after completing his Ph.D. at McGill University. For his Ph.D. Raph worked with jumping spiders and examined behavioral syndrome structure and personality variation in regards to development, sex differences, and effects of human disturbances (e.g. pesticide application) on syndromes and personalities. Here Raph primarily worked on cricket projects in which we've been looking at trait integration across behavior and metabolism, at developmental affects on personalities and syndromes, large-scale quantitative genetic comparisons of populations, and selection experiments. Raph’s website.

Courtney Garrison

Courtney Garrison was an M.Sc. student in Zoology and joined the lab Fall 2015. Courtney joined the lab after finishing her Bachelors from NDSU, during which she'd also worked with us on the crickets. She is generally interested in sexual selection and calling behavior. She investigated how developmental environment and maternal effects affect calling behavior in Acheta domesitcus.

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katie preston

Katie Preston was an M.Sc. student in Zoology and joined the lab Fall 2012--so with the initiation of the lab! She came to NDSU from Drake University. Prior to NDSU she most recently worked as a Field Conservation Intern for the Lincoln Park Zoo's Urban Wildlife Zoo working with small mammals. She's interested in conservation and restoration ecology with a focus on tallgrass prairies. Katie focused on community composition and population dynamics of small mammals in tallgrass systems. Katie successfully defended her M.Sc., making her the first student to graduate out of the lab! She's now with Audubon Dakota (link)!


Jeff Berens

Jeff Berens was an M.Sc. student in ECS and joined the lab Fall 2013 Jeff joined the lab as an EPSCoR Graduate Fellow after finishing his Bachelors from Valley City. Jeff looked at geometric morphometric variation in Peromyscus spp. and at biotic and abiotic predictors of community composition in tallgrass systems. Jeff successfully defended his M.Sc.! He's now with the Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District!