Ned's Google Scholar Profile
Berdal, M.A., N.A. Dochtermann. Misalignment of selection, plasticity, and among-individual variation: A test of theoretical predictions with Peromyscus maniculatus. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2020.12.07.415190 (link) (DATA / CODE LINK)
Burkhard, T.T., N.A. Dochtermann, A. Charmantier. Global meta-analysis reveals urban-associated behavioral differences among wild populations. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.05.17.594668 (link) (DATA / CODE LINK)
Class, B., Y. Araya Ajoy, N. Dingemanse, N.A. Dochtermann, J.S. Martin, M. Moiron, D.F. Westneat. Disentangling non-random assortment, indirect effects, and joint plasticity as causes of phenotypic (dis)similarity between social partners. (DATA / CODE LINK)
Dalos, J., N.A. Dochtermann. Chronic exposure to predator cues fails to elicit plastic responses or transgenerational effects in banded crickets. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2023.12.05.570167 (link)
Dochtermann, N.A. Methods for detecting “missing” dimensions in genetic covariance matrices. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.07.29.605681(link)
Garrison, C.R., R. Royauté, N.A. Dochtermann. Integration of intra- and inter-sexual selection signaling. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2020.05.14.088518 (link)
Royauté, R., A.V. Hedrick., N.A. Dochtermann. Sex-specific behavioral syndromes allow the independent evolution of behavioral dimorphism. EcoEvoRxiv. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/PNUG5 (link) (DATA / CODE LINK)
Sekhar, M.A., N.A. Dochtermann. Social buffering as an indirect effect: mixed-effects modeling approaches. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2025.01.15.633205 (Iink)
Sekhar, M.A., B.A. Rothamer, E. Gillam, N.A. Dochtermann. A saga of agonistic interactions in house crickets (Acheta domesticus): A direct and indirect effects perspective. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2025.01.28.635358 (Iink)
54. McCune, K.B., C. Williams, N.A. Dochtermann, H. Schielzeth, S. Nakagawa. (accepted, EcoEvoRxiv link) Repeatability and intra-class correlations from time-to-event data: towards a standardized approach. Animal Behaviour.
53. Elderbrock, E.M., G.M. Brown, N.A. Dochtermann, H. Galante, M. Hau, T.J. Greives. (accepted, link) Daily activity is repeatable but varies across the breeding season in female great tits. Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/arae106
52. Garrison, C.R., S. Sakaluk, N.A. Dochtermann. (2025, link) Sexual signaling and the persistence of alternative reproductive tactics: a test of game theoretic predictions. Animal Behaviour. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2024.10.023 (bioRxiv link)
51. Dochtermann, N.A., B. Klock, D.A. Roff. R. Royauté. (2023, link) Drift on holey landscapes as a dominant evolutionary process. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1101/2021.10.22.465488 (DATA / CODE LINK)
50. Dochtermann, N.A. (2023, link) The role of trade-offs and feedbacks in shaping integrated plasticity and behavioral correlations. Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1101/2021.07.26.453877 (DATA / CODE LINK)
49. Pick, J.L, C. Kasper, H. Allegue , N.J. Dingemanse, N.A. Dochtermann, K.L. Laskowski, M.R. Lima, H. Schielzeth, D.F. Westneat, J. Wright, Y.G. Araya-Ajoy. (2023, link) Describing posterior distributions of variance components: Problems and the use of null distributions to aid interpretation. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.14200 (link to preprint)
48. Dalos, J., Royauté, R., A.V. Hedrick., N.A. Dochtermann. (2022, link) Phylogenetic conservation of behavioral variation and behavioral syndromes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. doi:10.1111/jeb.13935 (link to preprint and OSF repository)
47. Royauté, R., N.A. Dochtermann. (2021, link) Comparing ecological and evolutionary variability within datasets. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. doi: 10.1007/s00265-021-03068-3 (link to preprint) (DATA / CODE LINK)
46. Bucklaew, A., N.A. Dochtermann. (2021, link) The effects of exposure to predators on personality and plasticity. Ethology. doi:10.1101/2020.03.26.010413 (DATA / CODE LINK)
45. Westneat, D., Y. Araya-Ajoy, H. Allegue, B. Class, N. Dingemanse, N.A. Dochtermann, L. Garamszegi, J. Martin, S. Nakagawa, D. Realé, H. Schielzeth. (2020, link) Collision between biological process and statistical analysis revealed by mean-centering. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13360 (DATA / CODE LINK)
44. Royauté, R., A.V. Hedrick, N.A. Dochtermann. (2020, link) Behavioral syndromes shape evolutionary trajectories via conserved genetic architecture. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B). doi:10.1101/61941 (DATA / CODE LINK)
43. Dingemanse, N.J., I. Barber, N.A. Dochtermann. (2020) Non-consumptive effects of predation: does perceived risk strengthen the genetic integration of behaviour and morphology in stickleback? Ecology Letters. doi:10.1111/ele.13413 (DATA / CODE LINK)
42. Schielzeth, H., N.J. Dingemanse, S. Nakagawa, D.F. Westneat, H. Allegue, C. Teplitsky, D. Réale, N.A. Dochtermann, L.Z. Garamszegi, Y.G. Araya-Ajoy. (2020, link) Robustness of linear mixed-effects models to violations of distributional assumptions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041‐210X.13434 (DATA / CODE LINK)
41. Boyer, A., H. Karevold, D. Krueger, N.A. Dochtermman, E.H. Gillam. (2020) Behavioral repeatability and behavioral syndromes in the Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus. Behaviour. (DATA / CODE LINK)
40. Downs, C.J., N.A. Dochtermann, R. Ball, K.C. Klasing, L.B. Martin. (2020) The effects of body mass on immune cell concentrations of terrestrial mammals. The American Naturalist. doi:10.1086/706235 (DATA / CODE LINK)
39. Yoko, Z., K. Volk, N.A. Dochtermann, J. Hamilton. (2020) The importance of quantitative trait differentiation in restoration: landscape heterogeneity and functional traits inform seed transfer guidelines. AoB Plants. doi:10.1093/aobpla/plaa009 (DATA / CODE LINK)
38. Dochtermann, N.A., R. Royauté. (2019) The mean matters: going beyond repeatability to interpret behavioral variation. Animal Behaviour. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.05.012 (DATA / CODE LINK)
37. Berdal, M.A., N.A. Dochtermann. (2019) Adaptive alignment of plasticity with genetic variation and selection. Journal of Heredity. doi:10.1093/jhered/esz022 (DATA / CODE LINK)
36. Dochtermann, N.A., T. Schwab, M.A. Berdal, J. Dalos, R. Royauté p. (2019) The heritability of behaviour: a meta-analysis. Journal of Heredity. doi:10.1093/jhered/esz023 (DATA / CODE LINKS: GitHub, Dryad)
35. Royauté, R., M.A. Berdal, C.R. Garrison, J. Dalos, N.A. Dochtermann. (2019) Current energy state interacts with the developmental environment to influence behavioral plasticity. Animal Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.11.013 (DATA / CODE LINK)
34. Royauté, R., M.A. Berdal, C.R. Garrison, N.A. Dochtermann. (2018) Paceless life? A meta-analysis of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. doi:10.1007/s00265-018-2472-z (DATA / CODE LINK)
33. Gienger, C.M., N.A. Dochtermann. C.R. Tracy. (2018) Detecting trends in body size: empirical and statistical requirements for intra-specific analyses. Current Zoology. doi:10.1093/cz/zoy079 (DATA / CODE LINK)
32. Royauté, R., and N.A. Dochtermann. (2017) When the mean no longer matters: Developmental diet affects behavioral variation but not population averages in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus). Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/arw164 (DATA / CODE LINK)
31. Needham, K.B., N.A. Dochtermann, T.J. Greives. (2016) Consistent individual variation in day, night, and GnRH-induced testosterone concentrations in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.12.010
30. Greives, T.J., N.A. Dochtermann, E.C. Stewart. (2016) Estimating heritable genetic contributions to innate immune and endocrine phenotypic correlations: A need to explore repeatability. Hormones and Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.11.015
29. Allegue, H., Y.G. Araya-Ajoy, N.J. Dingemanse, N. A. Dochtermann, L.Z. Garamszegi, S. Nakagawa, D. Réale, H. Schielzeth, D.F. Westneat. (2016) Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences (SQuID): an educational and statistical tool for understanding multilevel phenotypic data in linear mixed models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12659
all authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order28. Dochtermann, N.A. and M.D. Matocq (2016) Speciation along a shared evolutionary trajectory. Current Zoology. doi:10.1093/cz/zow059
27. Royauté*, R., K. Greenlee, M. Baldwin, and N.A. Dochtermann* (2015) Behavior, metabolism, and size: phenotypic modularity or integration in Acheta domesticus? Animal Behaviour. 110:163-169
*these authors contributed equally26. Bell, A.M. and N.A. Dochtermann (2015) Integrating molecular mechanisms into quantitative genetics to understand consistent individual differences in behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 6:111-114
25. Herath, B., N.A. Dochtermann, J.I. Johnson, Z. Leonard, and J.H. Bowsher (2015) Selection on bristle length has the ability to drive the evolution of male abdominal appendages in the sepsid fly Themira biloba. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 28:2308-2317
24. Dochtermann, N.A., T. Schwab*, and A. Sih. (2015) The contribution of additive genetic variation to personality variation: heritability of personality. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B). 282:20142201
*undergraduate student coauthor23. Dochtermann, N.A. and A.B. Nelson (2014) Multiple facets of exploratory behavior in house crickets (Acheta domesticus): Split personalities or simply different behaviors? Ethology. 120:1110-1117
22. Dochtermann, N.A., C.M. Gienger, and S. Zappattini (2014) Born to win? Maybe, but perhaps only against inferior competition. Animal Behaviour. 96:e1-e3
21. Downs*, C.J. and N.A. Dochtermann*. (2014) Testing hypotheses in ecoimmunology using mixed models: disentangling hierarchical correlations. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 54:407-418
*these authors contributed equally
20. Dingemanse, N.J. and N.A. Dochtermann. (2014) Individual behaviour: behavioural ecology meets quantitative genetics. In: Charmantier A, Garant D, Kruuk LEB, editors. Quantitative genetics in the wild; Oxford University Press (link)19. Dochtermann, N.A. and N.J. Dingemanse. (2013) Behavioral syndromes as evolutionary constraints. Behavioral Ecology. 24:806-811 (link)
(selected as the issue's "Editor's choice" recommended article!, Faculty of 1000 recommended!, this paper was selected as the winner of the Pitelka Award for Research Excellence for 2014!)
18. Dingemanse, N.J. and N.A. Dochtermann. (2013) Quantifying individual variation in behaviour: mixed-effect modelling approaches. Journal of Animal Ecology. 82:39-54. (link) associated website:
17. Dochtermann, N.A. and M.M. Peacock. (2013) Inter- and intra-specific patterns of density-dependence and population size variability in Salmoniformes. Oecologia. 171:153-162. (link)16. Dingemanse, N.J., N.A. Dochtermann and S. Nakagawa. (2012) Defining behavioural syndromes and the role of "syndrome" deviation in understanding their evolution. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66:1543-1548 (link)
15. Sprenger, D., N.J. Dingemanse, N.A. Dochtermann, J. Theobald, and S.P.W. Walker. (2012) Aggressive females become aggressive males in a sex-changing reef fish. Ecology Letters. 15:986-992. (link)(covered by Nature as a Research Highlight!, Faculty of 1000 recommended, coverage on Aus.BC science page, and at NDSU)
14. Dochtermann, N.A., S.H. Jenkins, M.J. Swartz and A.C. Hargett. (2012) The roles of competition and environmental heterogeneity in the maintenance of behavioral variation and covariation. Ecology. 93:1330-1339. (link)
13. Peacock, M.M.* and N.A. Dochtermann*. (2012) Evolutionary potential but not extinction risk of Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi) is associated with stream characteristics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:615-626. (link)
*these authors contributed equally
12. Dochtermann, N.A. and C.M. Gienger. (2012) Individual variability in life-history traits drives population size stability. Current Zoology. 58:359-363 (link)11. Dochtermann, N.A. 2011. Testing Cheverud's conjecture: behavioral correlations and behavioral syndromes. Evolution. 65:1814-1820. (DOI)
10. Dochtermann, N.A. and S.H. Jenkins. 2011. Multivariate methods and small sample sizes. Ethology. 117:95-101. (DOI)
9. Dochtermann, N.A. and S.H. Jenkins. 2011. Developing hypotheses in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65:37-45. (invited paper) (DOI)
One of the top 10 downloaded papers from BES for 2011!! -
8. Dochtermann N.A. and D.A. Roff. 2010. Applying a quantitative genetics framework to behavioural syndrome research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 365:4013-4020. (invited paper) (DOI)
7. Swartz, M., S.H. Jenkins and N.A. Dochtermann. 2010. Coexisting desert rodents differ in microhabitat preferences for cache placement and pilferage. Journal of Mammalogy. 91:1261-1268. (DOI)
6. Dochtermann, N.A. and M.M. Peacock. 2010. Differences in population size variability among populations and species of the family Salmonidae. Journal of Animal Ecology. 79:888-896. (DOI)
5. Dochtermann, N.A. 2010. Behavioral syndromes and the importance of carry-over effects, the false-discovery rate and a priori hypotheses. Behavioral Ecology. 21:437-439. (DOI)
4. Dingemanse*, N.J., N. Dochtermann* and J. Wright. 2010 A method for exploring the structure of behavioural syndromes to allow formal comparison within and between datasets. Animal Behavior. 79:439-450 (DOI)
*these authors contributed equally
3. Garamszegi, L.Z., S. Calhil, N. Dochtermann, G. Hegyi, P.L. Hurd, C. Jorgensen, N. Kutsukake, M.J. Lajeunesse, K.A. Pollard, H. Schielzeth, M.R.E. Symonds and S.Nakagawa. 2009 Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology. 20:1363-1375 (DOI)
2. Dochtermann, N. A., and S. H. Jenkins. 2007. Behavioural syndromes in Merriam's kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami): a test of competing hypotheses. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 274:2343-2349. (Featured Article on PRSB website)
1. Salmon T.P. and N.A. Dochtermann. 2006. Rodenticide ingredient acceptance by Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus), California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae). Pest Management Science. 62:678-683